Proximus NXT bundles ICT expertise in ecosystem
Proximus NXT emphasizes ICT expertise beyond telecom alone. To this end, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration. We combine our ICT expertise with that of our partners in an ecosystem for our customers. Every technological challenge becomes an opportunity.
As a leader in technology, Proximus NXT wants to guide companies through the technology jungle by turning their challenges into opportunities. The new name stands for expertise in the next generation of technologies and reflects the new era of ecosystems built with customers and partners. More than ever, it is the customer and innovation that are the focus. Anne-Sophie Lotgering, Enterprise Market Lead at Proximus NXT explains.
Why this new Proximus Enterprise identity and why now?
Anne-Sophie Lotgering: "Ambition without an action plan is called a dream. All the companies in our economic fabric know this. This is why they surround themselves with the best partners to achieve their goals. This realization is what is behind the repositioning of Proximus Enterprise. Because accompanying organizations in the face of rapid technological change has become more than just our mission, it is the very essence of Proximus NXT."
"Which brings us directly to the second argument for this crucial transformation: the convergence of telecom and IT into technology. At this particular point, I can identify three main trends for Benelux companies and organizations. They are increasingly mature in terms of cybersecurity, data is a priority in their business and cloudification is talked about in all meetings. A technology partner is essential to them. Don’t you agree?”
Proximus NXT also embodies our desire to collaborate in an open ecosystem to benefit our customers fully.
"Let's take a step back too. Between the hyperscalers that have experienced a decade of growth, the pure-play IT players that are innovating or even merging, and the boom in start-ups and technological unicorns, our repositioning makes sense. Our new branding is the strategic response to our true dual DNA of unrivaled connectivity and IT expertise."
"Proximus NXT also embodies our desire to collaborate in an open ecosystem to benefit our customers fully. This is already part of our dynamic and will remain so. The objective is to choose our partners based on their added value and their technological offering that is best suited to our customers. Because together we combine our ICT strengths to help our customers transform the complexity of new technologies into opportunities and business continuity."
Why NXT and how should we interpret this new branding?
Anne-Sophie: "Three letters that sound like the word 'next'. They underline the repositioning of a strong brand. Like a new signature that confirms our credo: 'Inspired by tech, driven by people'. Driven by people because our expertise and close relationships with our clients is what makes us different. Time and time again, our Net Promoter Score survey has shown that the individual relationship with and expertise of their trusted supplier are the ultimate arguments."
"NXT embodies the next steps in the digital transformation of customers, SMEs, and large enterprises, but NXT also resonates as an opportunity for their staff to seize the benefits of digital and the new world of work. NXT must also be understood as the next step for our partners towards an open and sustainable ecosystem. What matters is continuing the necessary investments in technological expertise and in expanding our ecosystem. Whatever those three letters inspire you, they claim our technological ICT leadership in the Benelux."
'Next-generation' technologies and a new era of collaboration
X as a symbol of close co-creation with customers, within the ecosystem
'Tailored' just as our approach that is packaged or tailored to the needs of Benelux organizations
'Next-generation' technologies and a new era of collaboration
X as a symbol of close co-creation with customers, within the ecosystem
'Tailored' just as our approach that is packaged or tailored to the needs of Benelux organizations
What does this repositioning mean for your partners and employees?
Anne-Sophie: "Proximus did not wait for this repositioning to get on with achieving its objective. It is already the most innovative partner in the Sovereign Cloud with Microsoft (Confidential Compute) and Google (Disconnected Cloud) in the Benelux region. This is a specific example of our pole position in terms of data security in the European Union and an additional guarantee of confidence for the market. Not to mention all the 5G advances developed in co-creation with customers in the areas of industry 4.0, manufacturing, logistics, but also public safety, services, and healthcare."
"So, our repositioning is not some superficial boosting of our brand. It is part of our strategy that must ensure the continuity of our investment in technological expertise. That is something that is recognized by Proximus customers and partners. This is the guarantee of an ecosystem that is sustainable and relevant. Our employees, our most precious resource, will find a new impetus to enhance their individual and collective actions. Past, present, and future. We continue to embrace the technology mindset and remain inspirational ambassadors."

Repositioning remains a challenge. What will make Proximus NXT a success?
Anne-Sophie: "Measuring is anticipating. Among other things, I am relying on our Net Promoter Score to inform the future results of this transition. But not everything is data. Proximus NXT is clearly also the continuation of the customer proximity that defines the B2B department. Events, meeting points, and the use of all sorts of different channels remain the key to spreading the message of the digital transition in all geographical areas. Our best barometer of success will be our clients' ability to continually reinvent themselves. With agility thanks to our technologies."
A study by Beltug, supported by Proximus, shows that the lack of skilled employees plays a much bigger role in slowing down IT projects than inflation does today. How will Proximus NXT fill that gap to support companies in the Benelux?
Anne-Sophie: "Human expertise is crucial, especially in the ICT industry, where new technological solutions are emerging every day. In addition, companies are becoming increasingly dependent on services and 'as-a-service' models. Proximus NXT, together with an open ecosystem of ICT experts in the Benelux, wants to help close that skill gap."
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